Brief Introduction of JIAYU Emperor Hotel Hotel
JIAYU Emperor Hotel is located in No. 206, Zhigang Avenue, Jiulongpo district, Chongqing。Established since 2002。The hotel included 39,500 square meters of overall floorage, within 23 floors and 97 meter’s height.
酒店集餐饮、会议、客房、KTV、桑拿、办公为一体的综合商务酒店。其中餐饮有中餐厅,同时可以容纳1200人用餐。西餐厅同时可以容纳230人用餐。会议室、分大中小4个、同时可容纳,500人开会。风格独特客房203间。异国情调KTV 26间。浪漫温馨的桑拿保健26间。酒店于2005年12月28曰正式对外营业。
As a comprehensive hotel, catering, conference, hotel, KTV, sauna and officing service are all contained in. For catering, our Chinese restaurant can accept 1200 clients at a time, meanwhile, western buffet restaurant can accept 230 clients. For conference, there are 4 meeting halls with different that can host in total 500 people at a time. And there are 203 hotel rooms are presented with unique s. Furthermore, 26 exotic KTV rooms and 26 cozy sauna rooms are presented as well. The Hotel opened since Dec. 28, 2005 till now,
On 2015, hotel was renewed and updated with new material and technology based on GBES. During the renovation, an amazing new floor——Yinghuang Cloud——with 360 degrees and nearly 1000 square meters was added on the rooftop. It’s the best place for spending time, gathering and nomad officing.
We are looking forward to spend time with you in JIAYU Emperor Hotel!!
佳宇英皇酒店招聘要求怎么样:佳宇英皇酒店都在招什么人? 佳宇英皇酒店招聘类别酒店/餐饮/旅游/服务类最多占32%,其次是行政/后勤类占14%。佳宇英皇酒店什么学历能进?大专最多占55%,其次是高中占23%。工作经验佳宇英皇酒店有什么要求?1-3年最多占68%,其次是3-5年占14%。佳宇英皇酒店工作地区在哪?重庆最多占100%,